Baranti Purulia- A Visitor’s Delight

Purulia district

Picturesquely located in Purulia district in the state of West Bengal, Baranti is a tiny village known for its scenic beauty. It is a tribal village which comes under the Raghunathpur Subdivision (Santuri Community Development Block). The place is flourishing as a tourist attraction of late.

Baranti is a favourite spot for photography fans and nature lovers. Lying beside the Muradi Lake in the lap of Gorongi Hill, the area is bordered by the Biharinath Hill on one side and the Panchkot Hill on the other. Because of its natural setting, the area experiences many footfalls for popular activities like trekking in the jungle and hills, fishing and bird watching. The place is ideal for picnics in winter time. The panoramic view of the Baranti Lake is surely a visitor’s delight.

Key Attractions

Key places to watch at Baranti are the following:

  • People come here to visit the water reservoir under the Ramchandrapur Medium Irrigation Project.
  • Joychandi Pahar (located only at a distance of 21 km from Baranti). It is a popular area for rock climbing and picnics.
  • Panchkot Hill. People visit Garh Panchkot to see the historical remnants and the picturesque Panchet Lake. The distance is 18 km.
  • Mukutmanipur (distance 105 km).
  • Biharinath Hill (distance 25 km).
  • Maithon Dam (distance 38 km).
  • Susunia Hill (distance 40 km).
  • Panchet Dam ((distance 22 km).
  • Temple alongside Muradi Railway Station.


The fauna of this area usually comprises wild boar, porcupine, wild rabbits, wolves, foxes, mongoose, palm squirrel, deer and various kinds of birds. If you’re a lover of flora and fauna, then this place would definitely attract you. The area is a favourite among entomologists and people who are interested in insects like fireflies, butterflies, dragonflies, beetles or any other type of insects. “The Baranti Hill area” is an insect’s paradise where you will find countless species of insects.


Government accommodation is available at Muradi which comes with health center and other facilities. Other budget and mid-range accommodation is also available. If you are looking for splurge or luxury, options are there for you.

The facilities available include AC and non-AC rooms, children’s park, restaurant, travel helpdesk, car parking area and so on.

Getting There

Muradi and Asansol Railway Station is the closest railway station to this place. It is under the South Eastern Railway zone and the distance from Baranti is 4 km. Cars and bus services are available from the Purulia district headquarters to Muradi, which is not far away. From Kolkata, the distance is approximately 263 km and it takes around 6 hours to reach there by road via Dankuni-NH2-Asansol route. For local transport, cycle rickshaws are available.

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